Hi travelers!
I'm currently sitting in RL with the mother of all sunburns obtained on a sunny yes windy day that completely fooled me into not noticing the burn. Of course this doesn't stop me from enjoying a nice beach day on Second Life and let me tell you, what a beautiful day it was. The Sim I decided to visit, and which in turn decided to sweep my hat from me (yes, I got it back in the end but not before playing some "Catch me if you can") was as delightful Sim with various see-worthy areas and a restaurant (only by reservation). An absolute must see.
Location: Restaurant The Wildflower & Nature Park
Today I'm wearing:
Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Starry Night \\ Windy - Ombre (Old The Arcade Event )
Swimsuit: [Azuchi] Emily Coral (@ The Liaison Collaborative)
Hat: (Yummy) Sunhat - Solids (@ MP)
Swimring: .tsg. AquaBabe - Yellow Heart Inner Tube (@ The Arcade Event)
Tattoos: .::Nanika::. Seashells tattoo white (@ The Liaison Collaborative)
Earrings: Astralia - Sailing away earrings with color HUD (@ The Liaison Collaborative)
Song of the Day:
Zara Larsson - Lush Life
Stay safe on your trip, travelers!
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